User agreement

1. Basic provisions

1.1. This agreement governs the relationship in the provision of services for the exchange of electronic currencies between the User (hereinafter referred to as the Client) and the service (hereinafter referred to as the Service).

1.2. The Service means an Internet resource called

1.3. Client - an individual or an organization making an exchange through

1.4. Hereinafter, if the Client and the Service are referred to together, then they are referred to as the Parties.

1.5. Before using the services of the Service, the Client is obliged to familiarize himself with the terms of the Agreement in full.

1.6. The use of the services of the Service by the Client is possible only on condition that the Client understands and accepts all the conditions set forth in this Agreement.

1.7. The Service Administration has the right to change the clauses of the Agreement unilaterally. Changes are effective after they are published on the Service website.

1.8. This offer begins to operate from the moment the Client submits an application.

2. Subject of the Agreement

2.1. The service provides the services specified in Clause 4 of this Agreement. Also, the client is obliged to follow the rules that are formulated in Clause 9. Services of the Exchange service are provided in the manner of this Agreement, the provisions of which are spelled out in Clause 5. 2.2. All operations performed in the Service are provided on a paid basis. The client who created the application on the site is obliged to pay for it.

3. Rights and obligations of the Parties

3.1. The Exchange Service is obliged to:

3.1.1. Exchange electronic currency, online payment systems Qiwi, Payeer, Perfect Money, Yandex.Money, ADVcash and others in compliance with all the rules stipulated in this Agreement. 

3.1.2. Provide technical and informational support to Clients in the process of making money transfers using the Online Service.

3.1.3. Guarantee the safety of information on completed exchange operations, namely personal data, time of exchange, amount and other information. Exchanges carried out in different directions with confidential payment systems have a Confidential status and are not subject to disclosure.

3.1.4. Do not provide information about the conducted exchange operations to unauthorized persons. The following cases are excluded: - if the judicial authority located at the location of the Online Service has made a relevant decision, which has entered into force; - if a request is received from official law enforcement agencies and financial monitoring institutions operating at the location of the Online Service;

3.1.5. Provide discounts to the Client in accordance with the established Agreement.

3.1.6. Ensure that funds are credited to the account of the Client or a third party within 24 hours after receiving the complaint in the cases provided for in clauses 3.2.5, 5.4, 5.5 or 5.6.

3.2. Obligations of the Client:

3.2.1. Provide the Service with accurate information on the application to ensure the fastest possible exchange.

3.2.2. Indicate the real details of your email address in order to receive a notification from the Service about the progress of the exchange operation.

3.2.3 Comply with the requirements of this Agreement provided by the Service.

3.2.4. Notify the administration of the Service or online support about situations when funds were not paid in full or partially paid, as well as about cases specified in clauses 5.4. — 5.6. of the current Agreement. The notification must be sent no later than one month after the transaction. Otherwise, the client"s funds transferred by request will be at the disposal of the Service.

3.2.5. To exclude any possible complicity in illegal trade and any other illegal operations using the services of the service.

3.2.6. To exclude in your practice using the service any actions, the implementation of which may cause direct or indirect harm to the fight against money laundering and money laundering;

3.2.7. Not to violate the requirements of regulatory enactments that establish the features of online exchange. 3.2.8. To independently calculate and pay all taxes required in accordance with the tax legislation of the location of the User.

3.3. The exchange service has the right to:

3.3.1. Suspend the operation of the service for a certain period of time to troubleshoot and improve the Service.

3.3.2. Freeze the transaction, until the circumstances are clarified, if a complaint about Fraud has been received from Clients or partners and representatives of competent authorities.

3.3.3. Establish a system of discounts for exchange operations at your own discretion.

3.3.4. Set and change the size of the commission for the exchange.

3.3.5. Cancel the ongoing operation and return the funds deposited by the User with reimbursement of commissions to the User without explaining the reasons.

3.3.6. The online service has the right to demand from the Client a screenshot or video confirmation of the operation performed by means of communication means, e-mail, if an error was made during the exchange. 

3.3.7. Stop communicating with the User who expresses profanity, asks questions regarding the Confidentiality of the service, or refuses to provide the necessary information to employees.

3.3.8. Block the transaction in the cases provided for in cl. 5.4-5.6 of this Agreement.

3.3.9. Block funds, and not return until the Client is identified.

3.3.10 The security service of the service has the right to freeze the client"s application if he has received illegal enrichment in this or a third-party exchange service in any way and is on the list of debtors, until the reasons are clarified and compensation for losses incurred by exchangers from this user.

3.3.11 The Service has the right to revise the terms of remuneration for the referral program.

4. List of services provided by the Service

4.1. The service carries out operations for the exchange of electronic currencies, cryptocurrencies, it is also possible to use Bank transfers. This list can be found on the main page of the site.

4.2. The exchange service is not entitled to check the client for the availability of funds used to exchange currencies.

5. Regulation of exchange operations

5.1. The exchange is considered to be started upon the transfer of funds for a particular application from the Client.

5.2. The exchange is considered complete only after the funds are transferred to the account provided by the Client.

5.3. The client does not have the right to cancel the operation after it has already begun, or to demand a refund of the funds transferred for the exchange.

5.4. If the User transferred an amount that does not match the details specified when making the exchange, the Service has the right to freeze the transaction until the Client applies in accordance with clause 3.2.5, the Service carries out upon the fact of the amount received, taking into account the exchange rate set at the time of the start of the transaction. Or the Service will recalculate according to the funds received. The choice of action in this case is provided to the Service.

5.5. If an incorrect or blocked account is specified, the exchange is not performed. The money is returned to the Client upon his request on the basis of clause 3.2.5. At the same time, fees are charged.

5.6. If the Client has adjusted the payment amount or made a payment from someone else"s account, the Online Service has the right to block such payment. The refund occurs at the request of the User on the basis of clause 3.2.5.

5.7. If the funds came from an account other than the one specified in the application or the notes to the payment were changed, the Service has the right to block the transaction. Refunds are made upon the fact of the Client"s request on the basis of clause 3.2.5.

5.8 Receipts of funds in banking directions can be up to 5 (five) banking days.

5.9 The client undertakes to pay for the application within 15 minutes, otherwise the application may be deleted or recalculated at the current rate.

5.10 In the case when the payment from the client has not been received for a long time due to the fact that the sender indicated a low commission for sending, or the withdrawal was made from a third-party site that delays payment, the exchange service has the right to recalculate the exchange rate in the application at the time of receipt funds.

5.11 In the case when the exchange is made with an additional payment from the exchange service, the discount is not applied.

5.12 In any case, when a refund is made, a commission of 5% is withheld, except for paragraph 10.1.1.

6. Warranties and Liabilities of the Parties

6.1. The service does not bear material and moral responsibility for incorrect filling of the application or other errors in the implementation of the exchange of electronic currency. If the funds were transferred to the wrong account specified in the application by the Client, then the operation can not be canceled or refunded.

6.2. The service is not responsible for damage or loss of functionality of the equipment or its individual elements, caused during the exchange.

6.3. The Service is not responsible for the delay in payment of one or another Financial Institution.

6.4. is not responsible for losses or non-receipt of income if they arose as a result of erroneous representations by the Client regarding tariffs or the profitability of transactions.

6.5. The service is not responsible for financial losses incurred due to translation delays.

6.6. The client confirms that he is the rightful owner or has legal grounds for using the funds that are involved in exchange transactions.

6.7. The Client agrees to reimburse losses to third parties, the occurrence of which is indirectly or directly related to the use of the capabilities of the service by the Client.

6.8. The Client confirms that at the time of interaction with the Service he has reached the age of majority, in accordance with the legislation of the country where the Client is located.

7. Changes to the terms of the Agreement

7.1. The Administration of the Exchange Service has the right to edit or change this Agreement at any time. Changes become effective after they are published or posted on the official website.

8. Force majeure

8.1. In the event of force majeure, the Parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement. Force majeure means war, terrorist attack, fire, flood, riots, hacker infiltration, acts of local authorities. Also included is a power outage and lack of access to networks, including the Internet and communications services.

9. Procedure for carrying out exchange operations

9.1. It is forbidden to use the exchange service for illegal transactions, fraud. The client agrees to be held liable for an attempt to exchange funds of a fraudulent nature, in accordance with the established laws of the state where the violation was committed.

9.2. When conducting search activities, if the illegality of the payment is proven, then the Service has the right to provide information to the requested law enforcement authorities.

9.3. To exchange currency, the Client must transfer the required amount of electronic funds from his virtual wallet. At the same time, he is personally responsible for the legality of the sources of their receipt.

9.4. The exchange service is not responsible for the execution of the transfer made for the Client by third parties.

9.5. The client, by clicking the button "I agree with the exchange rules", accepts all the terms of this Agreement.

10. Anti-money laundering (AML)

10.1. Implementation of control methods:

10.1.1. Control methods are used in the following cases and areas:

  • When establishing commercial relations with the User and during his activities;
  • in any case, if the transaction amount exceeds 15,000 euros or is equivalent to this amount in any other currency;
  • if there are doubts about the accuracy and / or reliability of the data provided;
  • if the planned transaction is unnecessarily complex;
  • if there is reason to suspect that the transaction is related to money laundering and / or terrorist financing and / or any other form of illegal activity and / or is considered a highly risky transaction in accordance with the risk assessment procedure established by the current policy.    
  • if during the automated AML verification of the User"s online wallet addresses, there is a possible connection with such organizations as: Darknet Marketplace, Darknet Service, Fraudulent Exchange, Illegal Service, Mixing Service, Ransom, Scam, Stolen Coins. In case of revealing such links, the funds will be returned to the sender"s details only after the verification (KYC) of the User is completed (minus a commission of 10%).

10.2. Additional control methods are implemented if the User changes the conditions and / or details of the exchange, and / or partially fulfills and / or does not fulfill them, increasing the level of risk:  

  • if the exchange does not serve a reasonable purpose (is not reasonable);
  • if the exchange is financially irrational;
  • if the same type of transactions and / or exchanges is repeated several times in a short period;
  • if the User refuses to provide the information requested by the Service in the cases and in the manner provided for by this policy and / or the Service Rules, without explaining the reason for the refusal and / or if the User expresses unusual concerns about confidentiality issues;    
  • if the User decides to change the transaction in a way that is not usual from the practice of organizing exchange operations;
  • in case of unreasonable haste on the part of the User in the operation / exchange / transaction;
  • if the User makes changes to the terms of the transaction / exchange shortly before its / its execution;
  • if it is impossible to contact the User by the provided e -mail and / or phone number, and / or any other contact information;  
  • if there is information and / or reason to believe that the data provided by the User is false and / or inaccurate;  
  • if the planned transaction / exchange is unnecessarily complex and there is no obvious economic reason.

10.3. By accepting this Agreement, you accept and agree to our AML policy .